1. Knowledge
MBA institutes are not looking to hire human amplifiers. They want individuals with good knowledge of the domestic and world economy. Don’t worry about not getting heard, you will get an opportunity to speak and when your opportunity comes concentrate on your solution to the topic problem- you will get noticed.

2. Effective communication
Start by introducing the topic, what your views on the topic are, and how your solution merges with the viewpoints of the other participants. Never make an aggressive or emotionally charged opinion. Stay on the lines of the majority and they will support you and this will make the GD panel notice you.

3. Confidence
Being soft spoken does not imply you are weak. To be confident make use of facts and figures to prove your statement or opinion. The GD panel is highly educated and experienced and will know whether your figures are in an accurate range. You don’t have to know the exact number but if your answer is close they will take a positive note

4. Humor
Use quotes, figures and add an element of humor. If you had only one chance to speak and yet were able to make the audience laugh you will definitely be noticed. Listen to audio books of top management gurus, public speaking coaches to learn how to add humor to critical situations. Remember chances are high that the GD panel themselves listen to such management gurus for advice and guidance. Speaking in the same lines as their gurus do will add to your respectability.

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